Roman General

Step 7: Preparing for Court

Read our frequently asked questions to prepare for the big day

Ensure you bring all relevant original documents related to your claim, including copies of the summons, any correspondence with the other party, contracts, receipts, and evidence supporting your claim.

Dress formally to show respect for the court. Business attire, such as a suit or dress, is recommended. Avoid casual clothing like shorts and flip-flops.

The presiding officer is not a judge but is known as a Commissioner. Always be respectful and polite, and stand when you are speaking to the commissioner or being spoken to.

It's normal to feel nervous. Practice your presentation beforehand, focus on the facts of your case, and speak clearly and confidently. Remember, the commissioner is there to listen to both sides impartially.

Yes, you can bring someone for moral support, but they may not be allowed to speak on your behalf.